Installing BARAM for Windows and macOS

Binary installation package for 64-bit windows and disk image for macOS with Apple Silicon are here for convenience. Download them from following links.

Download BARAM v24.3.0 Installer for 64-bit Windows ›

NOTE: For macOS, open-mpi Homebrew Formula should be installed in advance.

Download BARAM v24.2.0 Disk Image(.dmg) for macOS with Apple Silicon ›

Supported Platforms

  • Windows 10 or newer
  • macOS 10.14 or newer (Apple Silicon only)
  • Ubuntu 20.04 or newer
  • CentOS 8.2 or alternatives ( Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, … )
  • OpenSUSE Leap 15.4
  • Linux Mint 21 “Vanessa”

BARAM requires following installed software:

  • Python 3.9.x
  • MS-MPI 10.0 or newer ( Windows Only )
  • OpenMPI 4.1 or newer ( Linux, macOS )
  • GNU C Compiler or any other C Compiler ( Linux, macOS )

Installing BARAM from source code

Paraview [Optional]

BaramFlow has a menu that can launch ParaView for convenience. If ParaView is installed in the system, this menu launches ParaView in the case foler.