
New Features


  • Cavitation: Mass transfer model for cavitation analysis has been added.
  • Non-Newtonian Viscosity: Non-Newtonian viscosity model has been added for liquid material in laminar flow.
  • Multiple phases: More than 2 phases can be set up in multiphase case.
  • FLUENT Mesh: Fluent mesh with multiple cell zones can be imported into multiple regions.
  • FLUENT Mesh: Fluent Mesh with non-tetrahedral cells can be imported.
  • Mesh: Boundaries that have no face are automatically dropped when mesh is imported.
  • Maximum Diffusion Number: Maximum Diffusion Number can be configured for transient multi-region case.
  • Thermal layers: Optional thin thermal layer resistances can be configured for convection boundaries.
  • Turbulent Viscosity Ratio: Turbulent Viscosity Ratio spec. on boundaries for Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is working now.
  • Ruler: Ruler has been added in Graphics view.
  • Background Color: Background color of Graphics view can be changed
  • Scalar Report: Report for scalar values has added


  • Graphics View: Graphics View can be disabled for fast navigation between steps.
  • Ruler: Ruler has been added in Graphics view toolbar.
  • Background Color: Background color of Graphics view can be changed
  • Export: Boundaries that have no face are dropped when mesh is exported.



  • Update Configuration: Temperature limit and max viscosity ratio settings in advanced numerical calculation can be applied on the fly during calculation
  • ABL Inlet: Species fraction and User-defined Scalars values can be configured on ABL Inlet boundary.
  • NeighbourPatch: Peer boundary for cyclic and cyclicAMI boundaries is set from neighbourPatch information.
  • Axes widget: Axes widget is automatically scaled when mesh is transformed.
  • Zero Gravitation: Gravitation can now be set to zero for multiphase VoF case.
  • User-defined Scalar: User-defined Scalar configuration can be modified.
  • Material Spec.: Viscosity spec. and Thermal conductivity spec. are linked.


  • Number of Cells per Direction: Number of Cells per Direction in Base grid accepts only a value equal or greater than 2.
  • Export: Boundaries that have no face are dropped when mesh is exported.
  • Castellation: Number of Cells between Levels value of zero is not accepted.
  • Export 2D: Generated mesh can be exported in 2D Axi-Symmetry form.
  • Export 2D: Generated mesh can be exported in 2D planar form.

Bug Fixes


  • Boundary: Static Temperature configuration on supersonic inflow boundary was not used for calculation.
  • Monitoring: Monitoring was not working for primary material field.
  • User-defined Scalars: Turbulent Viscosity spec. has removed.

Known Issues


  • Cavitation: Cavitation(mass transfer) model allows only transient calculation.
  • Multiphase: Steady state calculation is not allowed if the number of phases is greater than 2.
  • Cavitation: Zwart-Gerber-Belamri mass transfer model is not supported yet
  • Residual: Residual is not available for cases that have more than two phases
  • Cell Zone: mass source is not working


  • Export: 2D export does not support multi-region mesh.


Bug Fixes


  • Save As: Some configuration could not be changed after saving by Save As.


  • Export: Application got stuck or missed polyMesh folder while exporting.

Known Issues


  • Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.


Bug Fixes


  • Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization was not working
  • Monitoring: Monitoring was not working for primary material

Known Issues


  • Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
  • Save As: Some configuration cannot be changed after saving by Save As. The problem goes away once the application exits and restarts.


  • Export: Application gets stuck or misses polyMesh folder while exporting. To add boundary layers prevents this problem.


Bug Fixes


  • Cell Zone: Cell Zone configuration is now working

Known Issues


  • Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
  • Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization is not working
  • Monitoring: Monitoring is not working for primary material


New Features


  • Species Model: A species model has been added.
  • Equation Control: Equations can now be controlled to solve or not.
  • Energy Equation Terms: Each term in the energy equation can be controlled to include or exclude it.
  • Boundary Condition Copy: You can now copy a boundary condition to other boundary conditions.


  • Expected Cell Size Display: The expected cell size is now shown in the refinement dialog.
  • Slice Cut Tool: A Slice Cut tool has been added to the display control.



  • User-Defined Scalar Calculation: User-defined scalar calculations converge better in steady-state cases.
  • Output Display: Output from the decomposePar command is now displayed in the console window.
  • Viscosity Validation: A Viscosity value of zero is now rejected in the material dialog.
  • Windows Docking: Windows docking has become more versatile and convenient thanks to the QT Advanced Docking System.


  • Feature Angle Threshold: The default value for the Feature Angle Threshold has changed from 120 to 60.
  • Export Dialog Enhancement: The Export dialog now allows separate configuration of project name and location.

Bug Fixes


  • User-Defined Scalars: The defaultFieldValues were incorrectly configured for user-defined scalars during section initialization.
  • Residual Value Display: Residual values larger than 1 were clipped and not shown.
  • Energy Relaxation Factor: The default value for the relaxation factor of Energy has been changed to 1.0 from 0.9.
  • Locale Compatibility: BaramFlow now works correctly in locales where a comma (,) is used as the decimal separator.
  • OpenMPI Compatibility: BaramFlow no longer has trouble working with the latest Homebrew OpenMPI version 5.0.3.


  • Mesh Quality Calculation: Mesh quality information is now correctly calculated even if a boundary layer is not added.
  • Cell Count Update: The cell count is now updated after mesh generation in each step.
  • Boundary Type Compatibility: Interface can be used as cyclic boundaries. The boundary pair of an interface now have same face ordering. The order was different in some cases before.
  • Feature Edge Refinement: Feature edge refinement is now applied only to cells that the feature edge penetrates (within 0.01m from the feature edge).
  • STL Splitter Fix: The STL splitter now handles cases where some faces have an area of zero.
  • Boundary Layer Group Configuration: The boundary layer group configuration no longer gets corrupted when both boundary layer group configuration and advanced configuration are modified.

Known Issues


  • Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
  • Cell Zone: Cell Zone configuration is not working
  • Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization is not working


New Features


  • LES/DES turbulence modeling
  • User-defined scalar
  • Non-Reflecting Boundary option in Pressure Outlet
  • Calculation result is saved regardless of write interval when calculation ends


  • Interactive splitting of surface based on feature angle during STL import
  • Gap-Refinement in Volume Refinement



  • Enhanced wall function has been applied
  • Reference Pressure consideration in calculating force coefficients
  • Maximum Viscosity ratio can be limited
  • Margin around Y axis label has grown
  • Default initial value for pressure is set to 101325 when density-based solver is chosen
  • Solver NF24.2.1 is used as internal solver


  • VTK pipeline processing in parallel(SMP)

Bug Fixes


  • “Prt”, energy Prandtl number, setting was in wrong position in turbulenceProperties


  • BaramMesh crashed sporadically when a project was closed
  • “Cancel” button did not work in castellation and snap




  • Cell Zone is hilighted when selected
  • Solver NF24.1.6 is used as internal solver

Bug Fixes


  • Parallel configuration dialog hung if number of processors were not changed and Apply button was clicked
  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is now working in multi-region case
  • “saveAs” for Parallel-configured project is now working


  • “Export” succeeded only when boundary layers were inserted and baramMesh run in parallel configuration


New Features


  • User Parameters can be defined and used for configuration
  • Mesh information such as bounding box dimension, number of cells, and min/max cell volumes
  • Density-base solver with far-field Riemann boundary condition for high Mach number external flow
  • Batch processing: Users can setup User Parameters in combination and run them in sequence
  • Multi-region case can be set up by importing separated multiple polyMesh which might be generated by other meshing tools
  • Flow direction can be configured based on Angle of Attack(AoA) and Angle of Sideslip(AoS)


  • Mesh Quality information can be checked interactively
  • Snap step now supports Implicit Feature Snapping



  • Wall function for Realizable k-e with enhanced wall treatment model has updated
  • The concept of “Modified Pressure” has been deprecated. The solver now automatically applies pressure adjustments based on the selected solver type.
  • Users can transfer steady-state calculation results as initial conditions for transient simulations.
  • Units are now explicitly shown for cell zone source terms
  • A pop-up window notifies users when the solver finishes its calculations
  • Certain boundary condition types are inferred from mesh boundary names and geometric types
  • Users can adjust the maximum Courant number for multi-phase steady simulations
  • NF24.1.5 is used as internal solver


  • Maximum surface refinement level can be configured. It was a fixed value of minimum plus one
  • Spaces in geometry names are automaticall replaced with underscore(‘_’)
  • Users can now configure region steps to include solid regions only ( no fluid region )
  • Fixed width font is used in console window

Bug Fixes


  • Prevented loading of multi-region meshes inappropriately for multi-phase projects


  • Fixed a bug where castellation failed when a sphere was within a HEX6 bounding box

Known Issues


  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case
  • “saveAs” for Parallel-configured project is not working


  • “Export” succeeds only when boundary layers are inserted and baramMesh runs in parallel configuration


New Features

  • [Flow] Point location preview has been added in point monitoring setup
  • [Mesh] Object preview has been added in Geometry step


  • [Flow] pRefCell is used instead of pRefPoint. Users don’t need to configure Reference Pressure Location any longer.
  • [Mesh] surface refinement level(castellatedMeshControls.refinementSurfaces.level[0]) plus one is used for castellatedMeshControls.refinementSurfaces.level[1]

Bug Fixes

  • [Flow] Numerical Conditions page was not correctly shown if energy model was not turned on after reading multi-region mesh
  • [Mesh] Export failed if HEX6 was used as cell zone boundary
  • [Mesh] Castellation failed if imported volume was configured as cell zone while its surface was configured as None.

Known Issues

  • [Flow] Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case


New Features

  • None


  • [Mesh] Crossing lines between Hex6 far-end boundary and other geometries are classified as feature edges
  • [Flow] Relative pressure is shown in monitoring chart rather than absolute pressure
  • [Mesh] Surface for cell zones are configured as internal type to make mesh conform the surface
  • [Flow] Warning message is displayed if a user leaves initialization page without clicking initialize button after changing setup
  • [Flow] If section initializer is configured, Fixed Value type boundary value configured on boundary condition will not change the initialized values until re-initialization

Bug Fixes

  • [Flow] Base grid for Hex6 far-end boundary was slightly bigger than the Hex6
  • [Flow] Text filter in boundary condition list is now working
  • [Flow] Select Color and Opacity windows in display control were not modal windows
  • [Mesh] No-boundary geometries were shown in the list of boundaries in the boundary layer step
  • [Flow] Mesh could not be loaded after project creation
  • [Flow] Exception occurred when text is typed in the filter input in boundary conditions

Known Issues

  • [Flow] Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case


New Features

  • None


  • [Mesh] Castellation/Snap/BoundaryLayer operation can be cancelled during operation
  • [Mesh] Default name is applied for Geometry, Region, etc

Bug Fixes

  • [Flow] Mesh could not be loaded since v23.3.2
  • [Flow] Module path error in baramFlow.sh has been fixed
  • [Flow] MRFProperties file was not removed even when the property is turned off
  • [Flow][Mesh] Window could be out of sight when display configuration is changed in multiple screen environment

Known Issues

  • [Flow] Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case
  • [Flow] Text filter in boundary condition list is not working


New Features

  • None


  • [Flow] “Reference Pressure Location” has been moved to “General” page
  • [Flow] Boundary type is configured automatically according to the name of boundary
  • [Mesh] Geometry import dialog now goes to the latest used folder
  • [Mesh] “slipFeatureAngle” is configured as the half of featureAngle internally

Bug Fixes

  • [Flow] Chart Y range was not configured properly when the range value is big
  • [Flow] “saveAs” menu is now stable.
  • [Flow] “divSchemes” dictionary for Multi-phase(VoF) was not configured properly
  • [Mesh] Default values of a few parameters have been changed

Known Issues

  • [Flow] Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case


New Features

  • “BaramMesh” application for meshing job is added, and the name of “Baram” is changed to “BaramFlow” accordingly


  • Time foler name in scientific notation like “1e-5” is properly handled now
  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is now woring in single region case
  • Parallel processing configuration is clear now. It’s now not a configuration but an action to decompose/reconstruct
  • Chart shows all the data when a project opened
  • View alignment buttons on each Axis is simplified to one alignment button
  • “Paraview” path configuration menu has been added

Bug Fixes

  • Chart could not be shown with an exception of “ValueError: Axis limits cannot be NaN or Inf”
  • Residual chart was not shown for a copied project
  • Gravity could be configured only for Multi-phase(VoF) case
  • Initialization Parameters were not applied even though Initialization button was clicked if user stayed in the page
  • Atmospheric Wall was not shown in wall boundary condition

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working in multi-region case
  • “save as” menu is not stable yet. Copy the project project manually


New Features

  • “hostfile” setting is possible for the calculation on a cluster


  • Last position and size of Window are saved for next launch

Bug Fixes

  • Parallel calculations for more than 20 boundaries are working
  • mesh transformation is working for decomposed mesh
  • Fixed: Rolling menus from Toolbar displayed on the other display in multiple monitor configuration

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet
  • “save as” menu is not stable yet. Copy the project project manually


New Features

  • Multi-Phase(VoF) problems can be simulated
  • Feature Edge view mode added
  • section initialization function (setFields) added
  • About page added


  • Previous console log and residuals are now shown when a project is opened
  • Progress is displayed on reconstruction
  • Locale change goes effective as soon as configured
  • Finnish Translation updated thanks to Ricky-Tigg
  • M1 macOS supported

Bug Fixes

  • Global fvSolution was not created in multi-region case

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet
  • Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration


New Features

  • Finnish(Suomi) translation has been added thanks to Ricky Tigg
  • boundary selection/highlighting


  • Transition between sequential and parallel calculation gets fluent

Bug Fixes

  • Residual chart was not displayed when a project is opened

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet
  • Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration


Bug Fixes

  • Case loading failed when sliding mesh (MRF) does not have static boundaries
  • “decompose” showed errors on some meshes

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet
  • Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration


New Features

  • show/hide check box for each boundary


Bug Fixes

  • Project name was not updated when the folder name was changed and reopened
  • Dialog window to ask to save was popped up even when configuration was not changed
  • .gz compressed polyMesh was not handled

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet
  • Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration


New Features

  • Sliding Mesh Type in Cell Zone Configuration has been implemented ( “rotationMotion” of “solidBody” solver in dynamicMeshDict )
  • Density of materials can be configured in polynomial values
  • Monitoring field values for volume, surface, point snap on a surface, and force coefficient


  • Default gravity value has changed to (0,0,0)
  • Reference Values are now saved in configuration file

Bug Fixes

  • Turbulent intensity was set in percentage in the dictionaries
  • Velocity Inlet Boundary Condition Dialog was not opened

Known Issues

  • Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
  • Batch Processing is not implemented yet


The first release of BARAM