Export the created mesh to a folder in a format readable by BaramFlow. The cell zone and region settings are made at this stage. 2D Exports exports as a two-dimensional and axisymmetric mesh.
2D Plane
In OpenFOAM, two-dimensional problems are handled with a single volume mesh in one direction and empty boundary conditions on both sides. Since the snappyHexMesh used by baramMesh is locally refined, it is not easy to create only one volume mesh in one direction.
When exporting to a two-dimensional mesh, the surface mesh on one side is extruded to the unlit side to create a single layer of volume mesh. And the existing three-dimensional mesh is deleted. Therefore, the user can select the desired side and enter the thickness to be extruded.

Export 2D Mesh

Steps of export 2D mesh
In OpenFOAM, axisymmetric problems are handled by using wedge boundary conditions on both sides of a wedge-shaped mesh with one volume mesh in that direction.

Export axi-symmetry mesh
Figure below shows the difference between the mesh created by rotating the left and right faces of a three-dimensional mesh in red color. Since the direction of rotation is determined by the right-hand rule, when the left face (zMin) is given as the source boundary to rotate, the axis of rotation must be in the -x direction, (-1 0 0). When the right side (maxZ) is given as the source boundary to rotate, the rotation axis should be (1 0 0) in the +x direction.

Effect of Source boundary

Effect of Rotation Center