What is BaramMesh
BaramMesh is mesh generation module of BARAM. It uses OpenFOAM’s utilities blockMesh and snappyHexMesh to generate mesh. Geometry of STL files can be imported. Simple geomertry as hexahedron, sphere, and cylinder can be created in it. It can generate octree-style three-dimensional mesh including boundary layer and can create regions, cell zones, interfaces, and baffles.
OpenFOAM’s snappyHexMesh utility create mesh with the following steps
1) Create a structured type background mesh that covers the entire domain with blockMesh utility.

Base Grid



Boundary Layer
BaramMesh breaks down the above process into seven steps, including
- Geometry : Import STL file or create primitive geometry
- Region : Define regions to create mesh
- Base Grid : Create base mesh
- Castellation : refine mesh and remove mesh outside domain
- Snap : Move mesh points onto surface
- Boundary Layer : Create boundary layer mesh
- Export : Export mesh in a folder format that BaramFlow can read.
The seven steps above are sequential.
When a step is completed, it is locked and you move on to the next step. If you want to go back to a previous step and work with different settings, you need to go to that step and unlock it. Unlocking delete all work done after that step.