- This example uses the stl file of a Cantilever Beam to generate a mesh around the cantilever.
Use given cantileverBeam.stl file as geometry.
Click the [Import] button at the bottom to select the stl file.
Create computational domain
Click the [Add] button and select [Hex6] and set values as follows
- Name : Hex6_1
- Type : None
- MIn. : (-0.4 0 0)
- Max. : (1.2 0.2 0.5)
Create hexahedron for refinement
Click the [Add] button and select [Hex] and set values as follows
- Name : Hex
- Type : None
- MIn. : (-0.05 0 0)
- Max. : (0.2 0.04 0.2)
In Geometry, select Hex_1_surface and right-click and select Edit/View. In the window that opens, change the type as [None].
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Click the (+) icon at the top to create a region. Move the mouse to the intersection of the lines that appear in light green color in the graphics window and position it inside the computation domain. Click the [Add] button to complete the setup.
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Base Grid
Select [Use Hex6] option and set the number of grids to 100, 12, and 30. Click the [Generate] button to generate the base grid.
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Surface/Feature Refinement
Click the (+) icon under [Surface/Feature Refinement] and set the following settings
- Surface Refinement
- Minimum Level : 3
- Maximum Level : 3
- Feature Edge refinement Level : 3
- Surfaces : cantileverBeam_surface_0
Volume Refinement
Click the (+) icon under [Volume Refinement] and set the following settings
- Volume Refinement Level : 2
- Volume : Hex_1
Click the [Refine] button and the castellation step starts.
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Use the default settings and click the [Snap] button to start snap.
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Boundary Layer
Click the (+) icon under [Configuration] to add a [Setting], and set it as follows
- Number of Layers : 5
- Thickness Model Specification : First and Expansion
- Size Specification : Relative
- First Layer Thickness : 0.1
- Expansion Ratio : 1.2
- Min. Total Thickness : 0.01
- Boundary : cantileverBeam
Use default values for [Advanced] Configuration.
Click [Apply] button to start boundary layer step.
The final mesh looks like this
Click the [Next] button to move on to the next step.
Click [Export as BaramFlow project] to export the mesh to the desired location.