Sirocco Fan(Sliding mesh)
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This is an example of transient incompressible flow. The problem is to predict the flow inside a sirocco fan when the impeller is rotating.
First steady-state simulations is performed using the MRF method. Then using the steady results as initial condition, the transient simulation is performed using the sliding mesh.
The simulations conditions are as follows
- solver : buoyantPimpleNFoam
- turbulence model : $Standard$ $k-epsilon$ model
- density : 1.225 $kg/m^3$
- viscosity : 1.79e-5 $kg/ms$
- Rotation velocity : 2,000 RPM
Start BaramFlow
Run the program and select [New Case] from the launcher. In the launcher, select [Pressure-based] for [Solver Type] and [None] for [Multiphase Model].

Use fluent format mesh. Select [File]-[Load Mesh]-[Fluent (ASCII)] from the menu to open the file selection window. Select the downloaded siroccofan.msh file and the following window will open.

This mesh has two cell zones, fluid and rotating. These two cell zones and two regions, region1 and region2, are shown. Click the (+) icon to the right of region2 to add a region. This is an option to convert to a multi-region grid. Since this is not a multi-region problem, you can leave both cell zones as region1. You can also delete region2 by pressing the trash icon below region2.
Steady-state simulation
Change Time to Steady.

For this example, we’ll use $Standard$ $k-epsilon$ model for turbulence.

For this example, we will use the properties of air.
Cell zone Conditions
Double-click rotating in the [Cell Zone Conditions] to open a new window. Select [MUltiple Reference Frame, MRF] and enter the values below.
- Rotating Speed : 2,000(RPM)
- Rotation-Axis Origin : (0, 0, 0)
- Rotation-Axis Direction : (0, 0, 1)
- Static Boundary : interface-rotating, interface-stat
- Select the non-rotating boundaries in the cell zone to use MRF. One of the two interface boundary is inside the cell zone and the other is outside. It is usually hard to tell which one is the case, so you can select both. It is okay to include boundary faces that are outside the cell zone.

Boundary Conditions
Each boundary condition is set as follows
- interface-stat, interface-rotating : Interface – Internal Interface
- interface-stat : Change to Internal Interface, then select interface-rotating as [Coupled Boundary]

- axis : Wall
- Velocity Condition : Rotational Moving Wall
- Speed : 2000 (RPM)
- Rotation-Axis Origin : 0 0 0
- Rotation-Axis Direction : 0 0 1

- axis-r, blades, externalwalls, walls : Wall
- Velocity Condition : No Slip

- inlet : Velocity Inlet
- Velocity Specification Method : Magnitudde, Normal to Boundary
- Profile Type : Constant
- Velocity Magnitude : 1 (m/s)
- Turbulent Intensity : 1 (%)
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio : 10

- outlet : Pressure Outlet
- Total Pressure : 0 (Pa)

Numerical Conditions
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
Enter the value and click the Initialize button at the bottom. Then click the [File]-[Save] menu to save the case file.

Change the values as shown below, and click [Start Calculation] button.
- Number of Iteration : 1000
- Save Interval : 100
- Selct [Parallel]-[Environment] in menu. Set Number of Cores as you want and select [Local Machine] for [Parallel Type].

Because the flow is unsteady, the residual does not converge, but it is fine to use as an initial condition for the transient simulation.
Transient simulation
Change Time to Transient.
The following window appears. It asks if you want to use the steady-state results as initial conditions for the transient simulation. If you select Yes, the last saved data will be set as the initial condition and the calculation will start from time 0.

Cell zone Conditions
Change rotating cell zone to [Sliding Mesh]. Setting of [Static Boundary] disappears.
Boundary Conditions
Change the boundary conditions for the moving wall to the following
- axis-r, blades : Wall
- Velocity Condition : Moving Wall

Numerical Conditions
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
Change the values as shown below, and click [Start Calculation] button.
- Time Stepping Method : Fixed
- Time Step Size : 0.0001
- End Time : 0.3

When the calculation is started, you’ll see a graph of Residuals and Force monitor as shown below.

Draw the pressure distribution in the fan.
Click the parview button in [External tools] to open the paraview.
Change the [Case Type] to [Decomposed Case].

Use the [Slice] function to cut a cross-section inside the domain.
Click the Z-normal button and enter values as follow
- Origin : (0.06 -0.017 0.05)
- Normal : (0 0 1)