Ship Resistance – KCS(KRISO Container Ship)
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This example is a validation problem for the resistance of a ship with a free surface. The resistance of KCS and is compared to the results in the paper below. The interFoam solver is used for the free surface simulation, a steady-state calculation using the Local Time Step (LTS) technique, and the turbulence model is $SST$ $k-omega$.
Measurement of flows around modern commercial ship models, Kim,W J.Kim, Van, S H, Kim, D H, Experiments in Fluids, 2001
Simulation and experiment conditions are as follows
- speed : 2.196 $m/s$
- reference area(wetted surface area) : 9.5121 $m^2/s$
- draft : 0.3418 $m$ (z coordinate at mesh is 0)
Start BaramFlow and load mesh
Run the program and select ‘New Case’ from the launcher. In the launcher, select [Pressure-based] for [Solver Type] and [Volume of Fluid] for [Multiphase Model].
Use the given polyMesh folder. In the top tab, click [File]-[Load Mesh]-[OpenFOAM] in that order and select the polyMesh folder.
Set Time as Steady.
Set Gravity as (0 0 -9.81).
For this example, we’ll use $SST$ $k-omega$ model for turbulence.
Turbulence Model
Since this example is two phase flow, two fluids are required. You can add a fluid by pressing the (+) in the top right corner of the Material Configuration section. Add water-liquid and rename it to water.
Set the properties for each fluid as follows
- water
- density : 1000
- viscosity : 0.001
- air
- density : 1.225
- viscosity : 1.79e-5
Cell zone Conditions
In Cell Zone Conditions, there is region0 (when multi-region, multiple regions are displayed). Set the fluid of the region. Double-click region0 to open the setting window. Specify air as the primary material and water as the secondary material.
Use 0 for Surface Tension.
Cell Zone Conditions
Boundary Conditions
Set the boundary type and values as shown below.
- far_inlet
- type : Velocity Inlet
- Umag : 2.196
- turbulentIntensity : 1
- viscosityRatio : 10
- alpha.liquid : 0

- far_outlet
- type : Open Channel Outlet
- Umean : 2.196
- turbulentIntensity : 1
- viscosityRatio : 10

- far_top
- type : Pressure Outlet
- totalPressure : 0
- inflow turbulentIntensity : 1
- inflow viscosityRatio : 10
- inflow alpha.liquid : 0

- KCS_dummy_hub, KCS_hub_aft, KCS_hub_cap, KCS_hull, KCS_transom, KCS_deck
- type : wall
- centerplane, far_side, far_bottom
- type : symmetry
Reference Values
Set the Reference Value for the hydrodynamic force coefficient calculation as follows.
- Area : 4.75605(half of wetted area, because we use symmetry condition)
- Density : 1000
- Length : 7.2786
- Velocity : 2.196
Reference Values
Numerical Conditions
In this example, we’ll change the settings as shown below.
- Pressure-Velocity Coupling Scheme : SIMPLE
- Use Momentum Predictor : Off
- Discretization Schemes : Pressure는 Momentum Weighted Reconstruct, Second Order Upwind for the rest
- Under-Relaxation Factors : 1 for all
- Improve Stability : Off
- Max Iteration per Time Step : 1
- Number of Correctors : 2
- Multiphase and Convergence Criteria : default values for all
Numerical Conditions
Monitor the force coefficient.
Click [Monitor]-[Add]-[Forces] and set values as follows
- Lift Direction : (0 0 1)
- Drag Direction : (-1 0 0)
- Center of Rotation : (0 0 0)
- Boundaries : KCS_dummy_hub, KCS_hub_aft, KCS_hub_cap, KCS_hull, KCS_transom, KCS_deck
Set values as follows
- velocity : (-2.196 0 0)
- Pressure : 0
- Scale of Velocity : 2.196
- Turbulent Intensity : 1
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio : 10
- Volume Fraction – water : 0
initial conditions
To initialize the water, click [Initialization]-[Advanced]-[Section]-[Create] and select [Section Type] as Hex. Enter the range and values as shown below.
- Min.point : (-999 -999 -999)
- Max.point : (999 999 0)
- Volume Fraction – water : 1
Activate [Override Boundary Value] option to change boundary value also.
Section initialize
Set [Number of Iterations] as 2000.
Selct [Parallel]-[Environment] in menu. Set Number of Cores as you want and select [Local Machine] for [Parallel Type].
Click [Start Calculation] button.
Parallel environment
When the calculation is started, you can see the graphs of Residuals and Force monitor as shown below.

Click the parview button in [External tools] to open the paraview.
Change the [Case Type] to [Decomposed Case].
Select boundaries of ship and change [Coloring] to alpha.water.