Introducing the upgrades in BARAM-v25.1.0
Incompressible Rerfect Gas model
Using AOA and AOS to Set Free Stream Boundary Conditions
Initialize Using Boundary Condition
Added set the Center of Rotation to the graphical display function
Curvature Refinement
BaramMesh has a [Feature Angle Threshold] feature as a way to adjust mesh refine level on a Surface. This is a way to densify the mesh where two surfaces form a sharp angle. In addition, we have added a way to vary the refinement level based on the curvature of the surface. You adjust the size of the mesh on curved surface by specifying [Number of cells per Radius of Curvature]. This is useful for densifying mesh where there is curvature, such as the leading edge of an airplane wing, without having to specify a separate region.
Use 3 inputs as below
- Number of cells per Radius of Curvature : If the input value is N and the radius of curvature is R, then the mesh size will be R over N
- Maximum Cell Level : Limit the maximum level to prevent too many cells
- Do not refine sharp surface option : This option prevents excessive cells in areas that are very small relative to the total. When using this option, enter [Minimum Radius of Curvature] and do not apply it if it is smaller than that.

The image below shows this applied to the front of the airfoil. On the right is the application.

It does not apply to areas where the mesh will be split by the [Feature Angle Threshold]. The left side of the illustration below shows curvature refinement set but not applied when the feature angle threshold is 30. The middle image is with curvature refinement applied with a feature angle threshold of 100. The right image is with no curvature refinement set and a feature angle threshold of 30, with the maximum level of surface increased to 3.

Tutorial – ONERA M6 wing tutorial
Create Fields
Added the ability to create various fields from calculated results when saving after a calculation or during a calculation.
The following fields can be created
- At boundaries : wall heat flux, wall heat transfer coefficient, wall shear stress, y+
- At whole domain : Q, vorticity, total pressure, age, Mach number
To generate them in post-processing after the calculation is done, you can click the [Collateral Fields] button added in the [Report] section.
Select the desired field in the window pictured below and it will be added to the last saved data.

To create every time you save the result, set it in the [Advanced] pane of the [Numerical Condition] section.

The figure below shows the result of generating and post-processing the age field after a steady simulation.

The figure below shows the result of generating and post-processing vorticity in an transient simulation.

Incompressible Perfect Gas model
With the addition of chemical species calculations in BARAM-v24.4, incompressible perfect gas was added as a density calculation method when calculating chemical species. Now it is possible to use it even when not calculating chemical species.
When calculating density, the density is calculated as a function of temperature only. The reference pressure uses the pressure value defined in [Reference Value].
Free Stream Boundary Condition
[Free Stream] boundary conditions can also use angle of attack (AOA) and angle of sideslip (AOS) to set the flow direction, just like Farfield Riemann boundary conditions.

Initialize Using Boundary Condition
It is now possible to use conditions on specified boundary as an initialization value.
When you select a boundary in [Compute from], the values given it are automatically set to the initial values. This is a convenient way to set up complex flow directions.

Center of Rotation
In BaramMesh and BaramFlow, added the ability to set the center of Rotation when rotating the mesh in the graphics window.
Click on the last icon in the figure below and press the desired location in the display window, and that will be the center of rotation and the red axis will be displayed.

- Default discretization method for chemical species and volume fractions in multiphase flows has been changed to second-order upwind
- The default for the [Rotation Axis Direction] used for setting up Multiple Reference Frames (MRF), Sliding mesh, etc. has been changed from y-axis to z-axis.
Bug fix
- Fixed a bug where thermal conductivity did not appear in the property value setting window for solids. This was a bug in previous versions.
- When using the atmospheric boundary layer inlet (ABL Inlet) boundary condition in the SST k-omega model, the boundary condition for omega was incorrectly set to [inletOutlet], which is now corrected to [atmBoundaryLayerInletOmega].
- Fixed the equation selection in the numerical solver to be disabled if the model is turned off.