Set the desired data in the function object of the controlDict file and run the solver with the postProcess option like this
<solver> -postProcess -latestTime -dict <dict file name>
Force dictionary
Force dictionary
type forces;
libs ("");
patches ( upperWall );
CofR (0 0 0);
updateHeader false;
log false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Force coefficient dictionary
type forceCoeffs;
libs ("");
patches ( upperWall );
coefficients ( Cd Cl CmPitch );
rho rho;
Aref 1.0;
lRef 1.0;
magUInf 1.0;
rhoInf 1.225;
dragDir (1 0 0);
liftDir (0 1 0);
CofR (0 0 0);
updateHeader false;
log false;
pRef 101325. 0;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Point dictionary
type probes;
libs ("");
fields ( p_rgh );
probeLocations ( (0.1 0 0) );
updateHeader false;
log false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Surface dictionary
type surfaceFieldValue;
libs ("");
regionType patch;
name upperWall;
surfaceFormat none;
fields ( p_rgh );
operation areaAverage;
writeFields false;
updateHeader false;
log false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Volume dictionary
type volFieldValue;
libs ("");
fields ( p_rgh );
operation volAverage;
writeFields false;
updateHeader false;
log false;
regionType all;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Collateral Fields dictionary
type age;
libs ("");
tolerance 0.0001;
nCorr 1000;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Heat Transfer Coefficient
type heatTransferCoeff;
libs ("");
htcModel localReferenceTemperature;
field T;
result heatTransferCoeff;
UInf (0 0 0);
rho rhoInf;
patches ( upperWall lowerWall );
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Mach Number
type MachNo;
libs ("");
result machNo;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
type Q;
libs ("");
result Q;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Total Pressure
type pressure;
libs ("");
mode total;
result totalPressure;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
type vorticity;
libs (");
result vorticity;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Wall Heat Flux
type wallHeatFlux;
libs ("");
writeToFile false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Wall Shear Stress
type wallShearStress;
libs ("");
writeToFile false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;
Wall y plus
type yPlus;
libs ("");
writeToFile false;
executeControl onEnd;
writeControl onEnd;