BaramFlow uses NextFOAM, a fork of OpenFOAM developed by NEXTfoam Co.,Ltd. This section describes how various settings in BaramFlow are applied to NextFOAM. Terms used in NextFOAM are italicized.
Time is set in the ddtSchemes dictionary in the system/fvSchemes file.
If Time is steady, the pressure-based solver uses steadyState for single-phase flows and localEuler for two-phase flows. Density-based solver uses localEuler.
default <steadyState or localEuler>;
If Time is transient, use Euler for First Order Implicit and backward for Second Order Implicit.
default <Euler or backward>;
Set the input vector of gravity in the constant/g file as follows
dimensions [0 1 -2 0 0 0 0];
value (<x-value> <y-value> <z-value>);
Operating Conditions
Set the input value of Operating Conditions in constant/operatingConditions file as follows
operatingPressure operatingPressure [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0] <value>;