Energy, Species, Scalar


Energy optopn is set in the system/fvSolution file. solveEnergy of SIMPLE and PIMPLE dictionary is yes or no.

    solveEnergy     <yes or no>;


Species is set in the constant/thermophysicalProperties file.

thermoType dictionary

mixture is set as multiComponentMixture.

    type            heRhoThermo;
    mixture         multiComponentMixture;
    transport       const;
    thermo          hConst; 
    equationOfState rhoConst; 
    specie          specie;
    energy          sensibleEnthalpy;

species dictionary

Write the chemical species to be used in the calculation. You must also specify an inertSpecie. It does not calculate the transport equations and uses a mass fraction of 1 minus the sum of the remaining chemical species values.


inertSpecie     <specie1>

dictionaries of each species

There must be material properties dictionary for each species. The dictionary is same with mixture dictionary except thers is Dm at transport.

        mu  <value>;
        Pr  <value>;
        Dm  <value>;


User-defined Scalars

User-defined Scalars is set in the functions dictionary of system/controlDict file.

If diffussivity is Constant, input value is set at D. If diffussivity is ‘Laminar and Turbulent Diffusivity’ , input values are set at alphaD and alphaDt.


        type            scalarTransport;
        libs            ("/baram/solvers/openfoam/lib/");
        field           <uds name>;
        schemesField    scalar;
        nCorr           2;
        writeControl    runTime;
        writeInterval   <value>;
        D               <value>; // Constant
        //alphaD          <value>; // Laminar and Turbulent Viscosity
        //alphaDt         <value>; // Laminar and Turbulent Viscosity

schemesField is fixed as scalar. So there must be settings for scalar at system/fvSolution and system/fvSchemes file.

writeInterval is the input value of ‘Save Interval’ at ‘Run Conditions’.