Types of Boundary Conditions
When you select Boundary Conditions, the settings will display the boundaries for each region as shown below. You can set a boundary condition by selecting a boundary and pressing the right mouse button. When a boundary is selected, it is colored red in the graphic window.

You can use the filter string feature to filter by entering a string to ensure that only boundary surfaces containing a specific string are displayed.
The boundary conditions are divided into four categories: Inlet, Outlet, Wall, and Misc, and each category contains the following types of boundary conditions. The display differs depending on the condition, such as multiphase flow, compressible flow, etc. Select a boundary surface and double-click it or click the Edit button to display the detailed settings of the boundary condition.
- Inlet
- Velocity Inlet
- Flow Rate Inlet
- Pressure Inlet
- ABL Inlet, Atmospheric Boundary Layer Inlet
- Free Stream
- Open Channel Inlet) : Only for multiphase
- Far-field Riemann) : Only for compressible flow
- Subsonic Inlet) : Only for compressible flow
- Supersonic Inflow) : Only for compressible flow
- Outlet
- Pressure Outlet
- Outflow
- Open Channel Outlet) : Only for multiphase
- Subsonic Outflow) : Only for compressible flow
- Supersonic Outflow) : Only for compressible flow
- Wall
- Wall
- Thermo-Coupled Wall
- Misc.
- Symmetry
- Interface
- Empty
- Wedge
- Cyclic
- Porous Jump
- Fan