Simulation Capabilities
- Spalart-Allmaras
- SST $k$-$\omega$, $k$-$\epsilon$(standard, RNG, realizable)
Heat Transfer
- Natural/Forced Convection
- Conduction
- Conjugated Heat Transfer
Compressible Flow
- Pressure based solver : incompressible to subsonic flow
- Density based solver : subsonic to supersonic flow
- Volume of Fluid for multiple phases
- Cavitation model : Schnerr-Sauer, Kunz, Merkle
Species Transport
- Include buoyancy and diffusion
User Defined Scalar
- Arbitrary scalar transport equations can be included
- Scalars can be simulated with or without flow calculation
Non-Newtonian Models
- Bird-Carreau, Cross power law, Hershel-Bulkley, Power law
Rotating Machinery
- Multiple Reference Frame(MRF)
- Sliding Mesh
- Actuator Disk
- Fan boundary condition
Porous Media
- Darcy-Forchheimer, Power-law model
- Porous jump boundary condition
Batch Run
- Define user parameters
- csv and xlsx format can be used to define conditions
Monitoring / Report values
- Residual Values
- Force and coefficients
- Point / Surface / Volume Values
Mesh Capabilities
Available Mesh Types
- OpenFOAM PolyMesh
- Fluent (.msh/cas)
- Gmsh (.msh)
- I-deas Universal (.unv)
- StarCCM+ (.ccm) : only for linux
- Import STL files
- Automatic detection of closed surface composing a volume
- Automatic surface split based on feature angle
- Support native simple geometry ( Hex, Sphere, Cylinder )
- can work with dirty surfaces, i.e. non-watertight surfaces
Mesh generation
- Generate meshes for external flow and internal flow
- Create Cell Zones
- Support both conformal and non-conformal interfaces
- Support Multi-Region Mesh for OpenFOAM Multi-Region cases
- Mesh refinement based on surfaces, feature edges, volumes and gaps
- Build boundary layers
- scales well when meshing in parallel
- Export 3D mesh as 2D or axi-symmetric mesh
Mesh manipulation
- Scale, Translate, Rotate
Road Map
Planned to next version
- Create fields, Built-in post-processor, Create ROM using POD
Planened to near future
- Radiation, Shell conduction, Discrete phase model, Heat exchanger model
If we secure a fund
- Chemical reaction, Eulerian multi-phase, Overset mesh, Finite Area Method, Optimization, Electro-magnetics, FSI…