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Bug Fixes
- Case loading failed when sliding mesh (MRF) does not have static boundaries
- “decompose” showed errors on some meshes
Known Issues
- Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
- Batch Processing is not implemented yet
- Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration
New Features
- show/hide check box for each boundary
Bug Fixes
- Project name was not updated when the folder name was changed and reopened
- Dialog window to ask to save was popped up even when configuration was not changed
compressed polyMesh was not handled
Known Issues
- Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
- Batch Processing is not implemented yet
- Rolling menus from Toolbar can be shown on the other display in multiple monitor configuration
New Features
- Sliding Mesh Type in Cell Zone Configuration has been implemented ( “rotationMotion” of “solidBody” solver in dynamicMeshDict )
- Density of materials can be configured in polynomial values
- Monitoring field values for volume, surface, point snap on a surface, and force coefficient
- Default gravity value has changed to (0,0,0)
- Reference Values are now saved in configuration file
Bug Fixes
- Turbulent intensity was set in percentage in the dictionaries
- Velocity Inlet Boundary Condition Dialog was not opened
Known Issues
- Monitoring for a point that is not snapped on a surface is not working
- Batch Processing is not implemented yet