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New Features
- Cavitation: Mass transfer model for cavitation analysis has been added.
- Non-Newtonian Viscosity: Non-Newtonian viscosity model has been added for liquid material in laminar flow.
- Multiple phases: More than 2 phases can be set up in multiphase case.
- FLUENT Mesh: Fluent mesh with multiple cell zones can be imported into multiple regions.
- FLUENT Mesh: Fluent Mesh with non-tetrahedral cells can be imported.
- Mesh: Boundaries that have no face are automatically dropped when mesh is imported.
- Maximum Diffusion Number: Maximum Diffusion Number can be configured for transient multi-region case.
- Thermal layers: Optional thin thermal layer resistances can be configured for convection boundaries.
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio: Turbulent Viscosity Ratio spec. on boundaries for Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is working now.
- Ruler: Ruler has been added in Graphics view.
- Background Color: Background color of Graphics view can be changed
- Scalar Report: Report for scalar values has added
- Graphics View: Graphics View can be disabled for fast navigation between steps.
- Ruler: Ruler has been added in Graphics view toolbar.
- Background Color: Background color of Graphics view can be changed
- Export: Boundaries that have no face are dropped when mesh is exported.
- Update Configuration: Temperature limit and max viscosity ratio settings in advanced numerical calculation can be applied on the fly during calculation
- ABL Inlet: Species fraction and User-defined Scalars values can be configured on ABL Inlet boundary.
- NeighbourPatch: Peer boundary for cyclic and cyclicAMI boundaries is set from neighbourPatch information.
- Axes widget: Axes widget is automatically scaled when mesh is transformed.
- Zero Gravitation: Gravitation can now be set to zero for multiphase VoF case.
- User-defined Scalar: User-defined Scalar configuration can be modified.
- Material Spec.: Viscosity spec. and Thermal conductivity spec. are linked.
- Number of Cells per Direction: Number of Cells per Direction in Base grid accepts only a value equal or greater than 2.
- Export: Boundaries that have no face are dropped when mesh is exported.
- Castellation: Number of Cells between Levels value of zero is not accepted.
- Export 2D: Generated mesh can be exported in 2D Axi-Symmetry form.
- Export 2D: Generated mesh can be exported in 2D planar form.
Bug Fixes
- Boundary: Static Temperature configuration on supersonic inflow boundary was not used for calculation.
- Monitoring: Monitoring was not working for primary material field.
- User-defined Scalars: Turbulent Viscosity spec. has removed.
Known Issues
- Cavitation: Cavitation(mass transfer) model allows only transient calculation.
- Multiphase: Steady state calculation is not allowed if the number of phases is greater than 2.
- Cavitation: Zwart-Gerber-Belamri mass transfer model is not supported yet
- Residual: Residual is not available for cases that have more than two phases
- Cell Zone: mass source is not working
- Export: 2D export does not support multi-region mesh.
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