Hot subsonic jet
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This is an example flow simulation of a high-temperature subsonic nozzle with a temperature of 260$^o C$ and a Mach number of 0.376 at the nozzle throat.
The geometry and experimental conditions are provided by NASA Langley Research Center.
Experimental results from NASA ARN2 (Acoustic Research Nozzle 2) with the following geometry and conditions
- Radius of the nozzle neck: 1 inch
- Pressure ratio, $p/p{ref}$ = 1.10203, $p{ref}$ = 14.3 psi
- Temperature ratio, $T/T{ref}$ = 1.81388, $T{ref}$ = 530 R
- Nozzle exit Mach number: 0.376
Along with the experimental results, we provide calculations from the $SST$ k-$omega$ model and the Spalart-Allmaras model from the NASA WIND code.
- solver : buoyantSimpleNFoam
- turbulence model : $standard$ $k-epsilon$
- density : Perfect Gas
- viscosity and thermal conductivity : Sutherland law
- nozzle inlet condition : 10059.65 Pa, 534.086 K
Start BaramFlow and load mesh
Run the program and select [New Case] from the launcher. In the launcher, select [Pressure-based] for [Solver Type] and [None] for [Multiphase Model].
Use the given polyMesh folder. In the top tab, click [File]-[Load Mesh]-[OpenFOAM] in that order and select the polyMesh folder.

Set Time as Steady, Gravity as (0 0 0).
Set Operating Pressure as 98595.03.

For this example, we’ll use $Standard$ $k-epsilon$ model for turbulence.
Include Energy.
Material properties of air is as follows
- Density : Perfect Gas
- Specific heat : 1006
- Viscosity : Sutherland, As = 1.46e-6, Ts = 110.4
- Molecular Weight : 28.966

Boundary Conditions
Set the boundary type and values as shown below.
- inlet : Pressure Inlet
- Total Pressure : 10059.65
- Turbulence Specification Method : Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
- Turbulent Intensity : 1
- Viscosity ratio : 10
- Temperature : 534.086

- outlet : Pressure Outlet
- Pressure : 0
- Specify Backflow Properties : on
- Backflow Total Temperature : 294.4444
- Turbulence Specification Method : Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
- Turbulent Intensity : 1
- Viscosity ratio : 10

- farfield : Velocity Inlet
- Velocity Specification Method : Component (3.44 0 0)
- Turbulence Specification Method : Intensity and Viscosity Ratio
- Turbulent Intensity : 1
- Viscosity ratio : 10
- Temperature : 294.4444

- nozzle : Wall
- Velocity : No Slip
- Temperature : Adiabatic
- frontAndBackPlanes_pos, frontAndBackPlanes_neg : Wedge
Numerical Conditions
In this example, we’ll change the settings as shown below.
- Pressure-Velocity Coupling : SIMPLE
- Discretization Schemes
- Pressure : Momentum Weighted Reconstruct
- Momentum, Energy, Turbulence :Second Order Wpwind
- Under-Relaxation Factors
- Pressure : 0.1
- Momentum : 0.3
- Energy : 0.9
- Turbulence : 0.2
- Convergence Criteria
- Pressure : 0
- Momentum, Energy, Turbulence : 0.001
- Advanced
- Minimum Static Temperature : 100
- Maximum Static Temperature : 1000
- Turn on Include Viscous Dissipation Terms
In this example, we will monitor the axial velocity of a point with x/D of 20 on the axis. Select [Add]-[Points].
Enter X-Velocity for Field and (1.016 0 0) for Coordinate.

Enter the value and click the Initialize button at the bottom. Then click the [File]-[Save] menu to save the case file.
- Velocity : (3.44 0 0)
- Pressure : 0
- Temperature : 294.4444
- Scale of velocity : 100
- Turbulent Intensity : 1
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio : 10
Selct [Parallel]-[Environment] in menu. Set Number of Cores as you want and select [Local Machine] for [Parallel Type].
Change the values as shown below, and click [Start Calculation] button.
- Number of Iterations : 20000
- Save Interval : 1000

When the calculation is started, you can see the graphs of Residuals and point monitor as shown below.
Click the parview button in [External tools] to open the paraview.
Change the [Case Type] to [Decomposed Case].
Change [Coloring] to U.