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Download simulation
This example is an MRF simulation of a mixer with a simple geometry. The MRF model enables steady-state calculations and allows the use of rotational periodic conditions based on one impeller blade, which can significantly reduce the computational cost.
The simulation conditions are as follows
- solver : buoyantSimpleNFoam
- turbulence model : $Standard$ $k-epsilon$ model
- density : 1000 $kg/m^3$
- viscosity : 0.001 $kg/ms$
- rotation velocity : 100 RPM
Start BaramFlow and load mesh
Run the program and select [New Case] from the launcher. In the launcher, select [Pressure-based] for [Solver Type] and [None] for [Multiphase Model].

Use the given polyMesh folder. In the top tab, click [File]-[Load Mesh]-[OpenFOAM] in that order and select the polyMesh folder.
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
Change the Name to water and enter a Density of 1000 and a viscosity of 0.001.
Cell zone Conditions
Select [Multiple Reference Frame, MRF] at [Cell Zone Conditions] and set values as follows
- Multiple Reference Frame
- Rotating Speed : 100(RPM)
- Rotation-Axis Origin : (0 0 0)
- Rotation-Axis Direction : (0 0 1)
- Static Boundary : periodic1, periodic2

Boundary Conditions
Each boundary condition is set as follows
- periodic1, periodic2 : Interface – Rotational Periodic
- periodic1 : Change to Rotational Periodic, then select periodic2 as [Coupled Boundary]
- Set [Rotation-Axis Origin] as (0 0 0), [Rotation-Axis Direction] as (0 0 1)

- impeller, impeller_slave : Thermo-Coupled Wall
- impeller : Change to Thermo-Coupled Wall, then, select impeller_slave as [Coupled Boundary]
- wall, hub, hub_rot : Wall
- Velocity Condition : noSlip
- top : symmetry
Numerical Conditions
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
Click the Initialize button at the bottom. Then click the [File]-[Save] menu to save the case file.
Change [Number of Iteration] as 3000 and click [Start Calculation] button.