Ahmed body
Downlaod mesh
Downlaod simulation
S.R. Ahmed used a simplified automobile model to experimentally observe the change in flow structure as a function of rearward inclination angle. Since then, this problem has been used to validate automotive external aerodynamic analyses. This example uses steady-state incompressible flow conditions for a velocity of 40 m/s at a rearward tilt angle of 25°.
ref : S.R. Ahmed, G. Ramm, Some Salient Features of the Time-Averaged Ground Vehicle Wake, SAE-Paper 840300, 1984
In the paper Drag coefficient(Cd) is 0.285. Simulation result is 0.287, 0.7% difference.
Simulation conditions are as follows.
- solver : buoyantSimpleNFoam
- turbulence model : $Realizable$ $k-epsilon$ model
- density : 1.2 $kg/m^3$
- viscosity : 1.8e-5 $kg/ms$
- flow condition : 40 $m/s$ at inlet
Start BaramFlow and load mesh
Run the program and select [New Case] from the launcher. In the launcher, select [Pressure-based] for [Solver Type] and [None] for [Multiphase Model].

Use the given polyMesh folder. In the top tab, click [File]-[Load Mesh]-[OpenFOAM] in that order and select the polyMesh folder.

For this example, we’ll use default conditions.
For this example, we’ll use $Realizable$ $k-epsilon$ model for turbulence.

Material properties of air is as follows
- air
- Density : 1.2 𝑘𝑔/㎥
- Viscosity : 1.8e-5 𝑘𝑔/𝑚s

Boundary Conditions
Set the boundary type and values as shown below.
- minx : velocity Inlet
- Velocity Specfication Method : Magnitude, Normal to Boundary
- Profile Type : Constant
- Velocity Magnitude : 40 (m/s)
- Turbulent Intensity : 1 (%)
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio : 10

- maxx : Pressure Outlet
- Pressure : 0 (Pa)

- miny : Wall (Velocity Condition : Translation Moving Wall)
- Velocity : (40, 0, 0) (m/s)

- bottom, leg, nose1, nose2, nose3, nose4, nose5, rear, side, slant, top : Wall
- Velocity Condition : No Slip

- minz, maxz, maxy : symmetry
Reference Values
Set the Reference Value for the aerodynamic coefficient calculation as follows.
- Area : 0.056(kg/m2, (50% of the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flow direction)
- Density : 1.2 (kg/m3)
- Length : 1 (m)
- Pressure : 0 (Pa)
- Velocity : 40 (m/s)

Numerical Conditions
In this example, we’ll change the settings as shown below.
- Pressure-Velocity Coupling Scheme : SIMPLE
- Discretization Scheme
- Pressure : Momentum Weighted Reconstruct
- Momentum : Second Order Upwind
- Turbulence : Second Order Upwind
- Under-Relaxation Factors
- Pressure : 0.3
- Momentum : 0.7
- Turbulence : 0.7
- Convergence Criteria
- Pressure : 0.001
- Momentum : 0.001
- Turbulence : 0.001

Monitor the force coefficients of car.
Select [Monitors]-[Add]-[Forces] and set values as shown below.

Set values as follows
- Velocity
- X-Velocity : 40 (m/s)
- Y-Velocity : 0 (m/s)
- Z-Velocity : 0 (m/s)
- Pressure
- 0 (Pa)
- Turbulence
- Scale of Velocity : 40 (m/s)
- Turbulent Intensity : 1 (%)
- Turbulent Viscosity Ratio : 10

Enter the value and click the Initialize button at the bottom. Then click the [File]-[Save] menu to save the case file.
In Run Conditions, set the following settings and proceed with the calculation.
- Number of Iterations : 2000
- Save Interval : 300
- Data Write Format : Binary
- Selct [Parallel]-[Environment] in menu. Set Number of Cores as you want and select [Local Machine] for [Parallel Type].

When the calculation is started, you can see the graphs of Residuals and Force monitor as shown below.

Scalar distribution at boundary
BARAM uses ParaView for post-processing. To start post-processing, click the ParaView button in [External Tools]. In this example, we will draw the pressure distribution and streamlines.
Change the Case Type to Decomposed Case.
- In [Mesh Regions] select boundaries
- Bottom, internalMesh, leg, miny, nose1, nose2, nose3, nose5, rear, side, slant, top

Change solid color to p_rgh.

Draw the streamline of the flow around the vehicle.
Utilize the [Extract block] function to extract the geometry of the vehicle and floor as shown below.

Change p to [Solid Color].

In the Pipeline Browser on the left, click baram.foam once to activate it.

Click [Stream Tracer] icon.

Change settings as follows
- Seed Type : Point Cloud
- Center : (0.7, 0.1, 0.1)
- Radius : 0.2
- Number of Points : 100
- Coloring : Vorticity

You can see streamline as shown below.