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Bug Fixes
- Save As: Some configuration could not be changed after saving by Save As.
- Export: Application got stuck or missed polyMesh folder while exporting.
Known Issues
- Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
Bug Fixes
- Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization was not working
- Monitoring: Monitoring was not working for primary material
Known Issues
- Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
- Save As: Some configuration cannot be changed after saving by Save As. The problem goes away once the application exits and restarts.
- Export: Application gets stuck or misses polyMesh folder while exporting. To add boundary layers prevents this problem.
Bug Fixes
- Cell Zone: Cell Zone configuration is now working
Known Issues
- Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
- Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization is not working
- Monitoring: Monitoring is not working for primary material
New Features
- Species Model: A species model has been added.
- Equation Control: Equations can now be controlled to solve or not.
- Energy Equation Terms: Each term in the energy equation can be controlled to include or exclude it.
- Boundary Condition Copy: You can now copy a boundary condition to other boundary conditions.
- Expected Cell Size Display: The expected cell size is now shown in the refinement dialog.
- Slice Cut Tool: A Slice Cut tool has been added to the display control.
- User-Defined Scalar Calculation: User-defined scalar calculations converge better in steady-state cases.
- Output Display: Output from the decomposePar command is now displayed in the console window.
- Viscosity Validation: A Viscosity value of zero is now rejected in the material dialog.
- Windows Docking: Windows docking has become more versatile and convenient thanks to the QT Advanced Docking System.
- Feature Angle Threshold: The default value for the Feature Angle Threshold has changed from 120 to 60.
- Export Dialog Enhancement: The Export dialog now allows separate configuration of project name and location.
Bug Fixes
- User-Defined Scalars: The defaultFieldValues were incorrectly configured for user-defined scalars during section initialization.
- Residual Value Display: Residual values larger than 1 were clipped and not shown.
- Energy Relaxation Factor: The default value for the relaxation factor of Energy has been changed to 1.0 from 0.9.
- Locale Compatibility: BaramFlow now works correctly in locales where a comma (,) is used as the decimal separator.
- OpenMPI Compatibility: BaramFlow no longer has trouble working with the latest Homebrew OpenMPI version 5.0.3.
- Mesh Quality Calculation: Mesh quality information is now correctly calculated even if a boundary layer is not added.
- Cell Count Update: The cell count is now updated after mesh generation in each step.
- Boundary Type Compatibility: Interface can be used as cyclic boundaries. The boundary pair of an interface now have same face ordering. The order was different in some cases before.
- Feature Edge Refinement: Feature edge refinement is now applied only to cells that the feature edge penetrates (within 0.01m from the feature edge).
- STL Splitter Fix: The STL splitter now handles cases where some faces have an area of zero.
- Boundary Layer Group Configuration: The boundary layer group configuration no longer gets corrupted when both boundary layer group configuration and advanced configuration are modified.
Known Issues
- Species Model: Density is not calculated if energy model is not turned on.
- Cell Zone: Cell Zone configuration is not working
- Section Initialization: Volume fraction configuration in section initialization is not working